My commands

My prefix = d-


  1. invite: my invite.
  2. bug-report: if you wanna report bugs.
  3. info: get user information.
  4. server: get server information.
  5. role: get role information.
  6. channel: ger channel information.
  7. avatar: get user avatar.
  8. icon: get server icon.
  9. ping: pong.
  10. website: my website.
  11. group: my server link.
  12. urbandictionary / ud: search something in urband dictionary.
  13. stats: D-Donut's stats.  


  1. prune: delete channel's messages.
  2. kick: kick a user from your server.
  3. ban: ban a user from your server.
  4. unban: unband a user from your server.
  5. warn: warn some user in DM.
  6. newnick: edit user's nickname.
  7. addrole: add user to role.
  8. removerole: remove user from role.
  9. mute: user will be unable to send messages.
  10. unmute: user will be able to send messages.
  11. audit-log: enables audit-logs in your server.

Fun Stuff:

  1. say: say what you want.
  2. chance: what's the chance of something?
  3. ship: see if you have chance with a user...
  4. 8ball: ask something for 8ball.
  5. meme: show a random meme.
  6. poll: make a poll.
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